Thank you for attending the bootcamp! This page contains some insructions and (hopefully useful) hints on the issues you might work on today. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you are stuck!


Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account - GitHub Docs


  1. You can find the Registration and Judging repositories here:

    GitHub - ScottyLabs/tartanhacks-registration: Frontend for the TartanHacks registration system

    GitHub - ScottyLabs/tartanhacks-judging: TartanHacks Judging

  2. Create a fork of the repository you want to work on using the Fork button on the repository page

  3. Get the SSH URL of your fork by clicking the green Code button, selecting SSH and copying the string shown (IMPORTANT: make sure you are actually cloning the fork and not the upstream repository that you forked)

  4. In your terminal, cd into a directory you want to work in and run git clone <SSH URL> using the URL from the previous step. After the cloning finishes, open the directory in your favorite code editor

  5. For either project: run npm install or npm i to install the dependencies

  6. For Judging: create a .env file in the root directory and paste the following values in:

# When adding additional env variables, the schema in /env/schema.mjs should be updated accordingly
# Prisma
DATABASE_URL=<this data has been updated>
HELIX_ADMIN_TOKEN=<this data has been updated>
NEXTAUTH_SECRET=<this data has been updated>

These credentials will be updated after the bootcamp

  1. Create a new branch using git checkout -b <branch name>. Make sure that the branch name is descriptive of the issue you are working on.
  2. Run the code using npm run dev. This will start the app on localhost:3000. It might take some time to build and load.


You can find the bootcamp issues by visiting the Issues tab on GitHub and searching for issues with the bootcamp label. The issue descriptions and hints below might also be helpful. Multiple people can work on the same issue, and you are encouraged to collaborate.